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Nedenfor finner du innholdsfortegnelsen i DSG-Canusa Utility Program-katalogen og tilhørende pdf-filer etter dette. Komplett katalog - se forrige side.

Medium Voltage Tubes 
CFX Extra heavy wall insulation tube for MV joints
DATS Medium wall heat shrinkabel non tracking tube for terminations
CBTM/CBTH Medium & heavy wall anti-track bus bar insulating tube - zero halogen
DBTM/DBTH Meduim & heavy wall anti-track joint insulation tube
CMVBT Ant-track adhesive lined tape
HSCT Medium wall semi-conductive tubing
HVDW Dual wall heat shrinkable tube for medium voltage joints up to 36kV
Medium Voltage Shapes and Tapes
Anti-track breakout boots, rainheds and right-angel boots
CSAT-ZH Self Amalgamating Tape - zero halogen
CTSB-2/CTSG-1 Rubber based, sealant tape / butyl tape for high temperatures
SCBR Three-Way Semi-Conductive Breakouts